Lezione “Philippine perspectives on the South China Sea dispute” di Antonio T. Carpio, con mostra di riproduzioni di carte storiche dell’area. Lingua di lavoro: inglese. Organizzazione di Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie (IsAG) e Ambasciata della Repubblica delle Filippine in Italia, con la collaborazione del Master in Geopolitica e Sicurezza Globale dell’Università Sapienza, dell’Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (AIIG) e del Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, storico-filologiche e geografiche dell’Università Sapienza.
Luogo e data:
Venerdì 22 maggio 2015, dalle ore 11 alle ore 13, presso l’Aula di Geografia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università Sapienza di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5.
In the 17th century, England, Spain and Portugal, the naval superpowers of the day, claimed ownership of the oceans and seas they discovered, and enforced their claims through the barrel of the naval cannon. In 1609, Hugo Grotius revolutionarily argued in his “Mare Liberum” that the oceans and seas belonged to all mankind and no nation could claim them as its own. After over a century, Grotius’ idea eventually prevailed, laying the foundation for the law of the sea. Today Chinese claims of ownership by historical right to almost 90% of the South China Sea ignites among international community the debate about issues of Maritime Security in the Asia-Pacific region and about maritime law enforcement. China’s claim, represented by its well-known 9-dashed line map, is a much discussed topic which involves the whole region and, to a greater extent, the whole interconnected world.
The Philippine position about Chinese claims in the West Philippine Sea / South China Sea, according to UNCLOS convention and from an historical and legal point of view, will be explained in the lecture by Senior Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. The lecture will be accompanied by a cartographic exhibit on ancient maps and followed by a light lunch for the audience.